Lilin, who we helped to pass her ADI exams.

Our New Trainee Driving Instructor PDI Licence Course

Due to recent changes to the ADI part 3 exam, our PDI training process has evolved. Read on to find out why teaching real pupils on a PDI Licence is now a far more important step to passing your final test.

An upturned child's Bobby Car. Quality tuition will teach you how to become a safe driver.

What is the Difference Between a PDI and an ADI Driving Instructor?

What's the difference between a PDI & an ADI driving instructor? Learn more about how recent changes to the Part 3 driving instructor test might affect learner drivers too.

Driving Instructor Training in Norwich

New ADI Part 3 Test Changes in December 2017

After a false start, the old part 3 Pre-Set Test (PST) format was replaced by the new ADI part 3 test on 23rd December 2017. Whether you are a pupil or a trainee driving instructor, learn more about these changes and how they will affect you.