Pass Plus Driving Courses

Passing your driving test is a fantastic achievement and one you should be rightly proud of. But this doesn’t mean you won’t be nervous when driving on your own or facing situations or conditions that weren’t covered during your lessons.

Our Pass Plus course is designed to fill in the gaps in your original tuition and build your confidence as a driver who can cope under a wider variety of driving conditions.

Pass Plus - Motorway driving

We offer a Pass Plus driving course that is 6 hours long and priced at £240. You can either take your course in one of our tuition vehicles or use your own car if you prefer.

During your course, you’ll cover all 6 modules – including motorway driving. The modules are best delivered over the course of one day. Once you’ve completed all 6 driving modules you’ll get a Pass Plus certificate from the DVSA.

For more information about taking additional driving lessons after passing your test, contact us today for an informal chat:

Why Pass Plus?

Passing your test is just the start of your driving career. Driving gives you freedom and independence. However, it is also very expensive – the insurance premium for a newly qualified driver can often be more than the cost of their car.

New drivers of any age are more likely to have an accident within the first two years of passing their test than at any other time in their driving career. The reason for this comes down to a lack of experience. Insurers demand higher premiums to reflect this increased risk.

Taking a Pass Plus driving course can help you reduce the chances of having an accident. Insurers recognise the value of Pass Plus training by offering lower premiums to Pass Plus certificate holders.

Develop your driving experience safely

Your standard driver training should provide you with experience of a varied range of road and traffic conditions. However, this training often takes place within a familiar area as there are time constraints and lesson objectives to consider.

To help you build upon your driving experience safely, Pass Plus driving lessons provide the opportunity for you to drive outside of your local area. This is especially helpful if you live in a place like Norfolk, where there aren’t any motorways.

Build on your existing skills and knowledge

You already know how to drive, so your Pass Plus sessions will be different from normal driving lessons. You will be given the chance to develop your confidence and ability to deal with unfamiliar driving conditions with the guidance of an experienced Pass Plus instructor.

Driving on a motorway is an obvious example. This is not something that is covered as part of your standard driving lessons. For this reason, many new drivers find motorway driving terrifying.

Or perhaps there was a particular manoeuvre that you struggled with while you were taking lessons. Completing a Pass Plus driving course can help you reinforce your weaker skills and boost your confidence.

Save money on your insurance premiums

Many insurance companies offer discounts to new drivers who have completed the Pass Plus course. Once you have your certificate it’s worth shopping around for the best deals. Although the discount is only offered on the first year‘s insurance, if you stay claim free you will begin to build up your no claims bonus, leading to lower premiums year on year.

Pass Plus makes sense financially and could save your life.

Areas covered by the course

The Pass Plus training course was designed by the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA). The course aims to help you develop a positive approach to driving. It does this by focusing on two key factors – your attitude and your skills.

The course is organised into 6 modules:

  1. Introduction and town driving
  2. All weather driving
  3. Out of town driving and rural roads
  4. Night driving
  5. Dual Carriageways
  6. Motorways

You have to complete all six modules and undertake at least 6 hours of training. The amount of time spent on each module will vary according to your particular needs. You will not have to take another test. Instead, your instructor will continually assess your driving as you complete the training.

To gain your Pass Plus certificate you’ll have to demonstrate you have ‘achieved‘ or ‘exceeded‘ the required skills and knowledge in each module.

Contact us below to discuss your requirements.